Monday 5 May 2008

Unfair Dealings - Reflections

So i just watched this documentary and I need to get a few things off my chest. 

What kind of democracy is this? I mean serious, how can we stand by and watch this happen. Shame on us. How can we ever pat ourselves on the back for no racism, multiculturalism and all that great talk. Arrested a bunch of individuals who ARE and WERE labelled so guilty that they reek of it and there were not even given a fuckin trial. There are in SOLITARY CONFINEMENT!!!! What the hell is going on, i didnt think this happened in Canada. 

I just also watched Taxi to the Dark Side, which is simillar stuff but happening to our comrades in the South of us. I mean serious, am i going to get arrested for typing this. Will someone knock on my door? Why do we take our freedoms for granted when we dont even have them. We have a myth of them, a myth of success and freedom, when everwhere you look in the world, EVERYWHERE, there are violations, oppression, and persecution that is sickening. It is disgusting. And why do we always seem to forget this. Why do we forget this, or become desensitized to it that we arent still shocked and appaled when we see it again. The world is crumbling, but it never really was up in the first place. 

There is a myth of success, of progress and ESPECIALLY about HUMAN RIGHTS!!!! THe myth of freedom, and of human rights. It simply doesnt exist in the real world. Where are human rights? Why are we in such despair and garbage and SOOOO many of us dont even know it. 

Some of us struggle, the best of us struggle. Why cant we all struggle, will it even make a difference. Is there a light at the end of the tunnel? Is it even important for there to be a light at the end of the tunnel, who cares about results? Lets just fight the good fight, fight oppression wherever it may be, from half way across the world, to our own neighborhoods, to our own hearts and prejudices. Struggle against them, not for the hope of winning, but from the fear of giving in to them. 


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