Friday 28 November 2008


The opposite of happiness is not sadness, but boredom.

I am bored.

Sunday 16 November 2008

Inner Purity

Nobody has ever changed the outside without looking inside first and changing that. We are surrounded by shit, pure and simple. Things just seem to suck. We can worry about it. We can complain about it. We can blame others. We can wait for change.

Or we can take the opportunity to look inside, and to improve ourselves, aspire to greatness within our hearts. Through that inner change, that inner purification, our environment, our surroundings, will follow suit. The power is in our hands, but we cannot force the world, the only control we have is over ourselves. We have no control over our situations, just ourselves, and we need to take a good look inside if we ever hope for change.

God Bless.

Monday 10 November 2008


Intelligence is not a function of Education; but rather a function of contemplation.