Saturday 16 August 2008

Marx and Social Equality

Imagine a group that set out to plan society and government. But as soon as they do, they die and are re-born, but they can come back at any level of this plan, male or female, and at any class of society. Motivation for equality and empathy?

1. Who would you most NOT want to be in the society you are familiar with?

Any thoughts?

The Dark Knight

So what would you do, would you take the overstep boundaries of the law, in order to serve justice where the law cannot?

Batman - Vigilante or Hero
The Boondock Saints

Is it vigilantism or responsibility? Where do you draw the line? Is it too much power for one person or a group of people?

Al Capone, crime boss, was convicted on tax fraud.

When does personal justice against the tenets of the law turn into a call for anarchy? The Joker.


Beef with Bush

Why is it that a president was almost impeached for a personal sexual scandal whilst another is safe while having the lowest approval rating of all time?

Monday 4 August 2008

Salman Rushdie

"Author Salman Rushdie has threatened to sue a publisher over a book by a former bodyguard that he said portrays him as cheap, nasty and arrogant and depicts his police guards as "losers" who drank on duty."

I guess some people don't like being betrayed as things that they believe they aren't. Lawsuits must be the way to go.

Maybe someone can help point out the difference here? What goes around comes around I guess.