Tuesday 29 July 2008

No Questions? Not Now

I am told by a few people sometimes not to question. Not to ask too many questions and just accept things as they are. Accept things because that is the way it always has been. People accepted it before you, and so should I. But the people before us are not like us. They did not have the tools to question. They did not have relatively high literacy rates, did not have full access to libraries, educational programs, or even the rights and responsibilities associated with democracy. All these privileges give us the right, the responsibility to question what may seem normal. What has been accepted for hundreds of years. We can learn for ourselves, we ponder, and study. Instead having to travel to hear a scholar or master speak, we can simply go online and look up a youtube video, or even go to the library and read their biography and books. It is all at our fingertips. Our ancestors did not have these benefits and therefore less of them had the ability to fruitfully ponder their reality.

That is the difference, and that is why we should and can challenge the status quo, challenge the hypocrisy of our time, and challenge societies inequalities.

Saturday 12 July 2008

Be the Star

It isnt easy to find a star in any society, but then it is up to us, the individual, to strive to be that star, to rise up, and encourage others, and it is that human quality, that star quality, that others will be instinctually attracted to, and emulate.
You and I must become aware, and spread that awareness through good living, good action, good thinking, good deeds, and it will spread by God's will on its own.
I know how it can be disillusioning sometimes when you are faced with the malicious people, the people that you cannot understand. But know that even they are a product of their environment at some level, and dont hate them for it, but show love in order for them to understand that ignorance is not the way, because I believe, it takes a lot of effort to be ignorant. It takes a lot of effort to close your eyes to reality, to the benefits of positivitiy, reason, order and love. And if we live that love, we STRIVE to improve ourselves all the time, not others, but ourself, to remove hatred, anger, maliciousness and ignorance from our hearts and mind, and become more self aware of our actions, and our drain, and how we can and do hurt others. 1) it will take up most of our time, we wont have time to hate others, and 2) we improve. We make the personal Jihad against the Nafs. We cleanse our soul. And a pure heart is an attractive heart, that will have its followers.

Thursday 10 July 2008

No More...

No more distractions
no more differences
no more hatred
no more ignorance
no more fear

Do not allow yourself to be dragged into ignorance. Do not allow yourself to believe that you will be ignorant, that you are destined to be ignorant if you are not educated, if you are not old, if you have not paid your dues. All your answers, all fundamental knowledge will not be found on TV, in Books, in Experiences, but inside. Through reflection we will find our humanity, regain the knowledge of our dignity. The answers are always inside us, regardless of color, race, language, nationality, age. We can always find it. We, YOU, are capable of everything. I am capable of everything. I will REMOVE myself from the stream, no, the raging river of distractions, of lies, of profits and wake up to my own abilities, to the power of my mind, and of MY HEART. We are slipping further and further from ourselves, from the Truth, from GOD. They are the same, and we cannot allow it any longer. I cannot allow it for myself. I will stand up, and I will die proud and free, the way God created me, and I will know Him, know myself. I will love my brother and sister, regardless of race, religion, creed. God created us all, and we are all the same, and we are ALL lost, and we must find ourselves, find GOD, and remove our minds from focusing on distractions. We must not let our society, our surroundings control who we are: humans, with God-given dignity, rights, responsibilities and freedoms. I cannot betray that responsibility, that test. I cannot be forgetful any longer. I will break free from these shackles that serve to limit my potential, these human shackles. I will use powerful tools granted to ALL human beings, tools of love, of reason, of respect, of responsibility. These tools are accessible to all of us because they are inside of us. I will not let myself be manipulated, to be controlled, to be told of my limitations, to be reminded of my limitations. I am not too young, too slow, too simple, too negative, too naive or too positive. Do not shackle me, and let us be free. Free of hatred, of anger, of destruction, of war, of murder, of rape, of violence, of ignorance, of limitations. You and I are capable, always have been capable and always will be capable. I say no more... for your sake, for my sake, for humanity's sake.