Monday 5 May 2008

Anonymous words, similar feeling.

"I’m writing this because often times we feel helpless. Often times we feel powerless. I’m writing this because today I saw a documentary, and it matters not which one I saw, because at the end of the day, there are countless times in our lives when we feel inspired. But so often, so little changes. We go back to that feeling of being helpless, powerless, because, when it comes down to it, we are only children, with so little difference we can make at this time. And that is why I am writing this, because so often we feel helpless. I have been noticing a lot of what I like to call ‘dualities’. Seeming contradictions in our lives, yet both sides need to be accepted. In this case, I am specifically referring to how you tackle that feeling of helplessness. On the one hand, our existence is irrelevant, and more often than not, harmful. Sometimes, it feels that just by being alive, and being one of the few privileged people in the world who have every resource available to us imaginable (which, if you are reading this, you are likely one of them), we are partly responsible for the atrocities in the world. Or maybe for its eventual demise. Yet, on the other hand, our happiness should be our number one concern. Because, at the end of the day, nothing exists outside of our own mind, and, therefore, our reality is the only consequential thing in the universe. So how do we resolve this duality? Who knows. I still am at a loss for what I am trying to say. I only know this: I’m writing this because often times we feel helpless. But I do know I have a desire to leave this world and the people in it whom I love in better shape than I received it in. The means to that end, I have no idea. I feel helpless now, that is certain, but I also know that we can work towards a goal. I think that the generation previous to us has not left the world in better shape than it received it, and it is up to us to change that trend. So for now, like I implore all of you, I keep my ears constantly listening. Keep my eyes sharp. I will keep my mind open, and, most of all, my heart beating. One thing I’m sure of, the world we leave behind will be very different than the one we have inherited. For better or for worse, however, is up to us."

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