Sunday 15 August 2010


How can someone say they love you, but not be there for you when you need it. That is what love is right? Putting aside you to be present for others in their time of need. Putting the person you "love"'s needs before your own. Giving. Otherwise, it is simply another word, a syllable used to express the perceived meaning of attachment without thought. I love the work I do, and who I do it for, because I sacrifice my desires for them. And I do it with happiness. I feel happiness by giving love. And everyone needs to feel love. So do I. So where do I find mine? If I turn to those that have abandoned me, did they really love? I am there where I am needed, because I love, and I give. But where are those that claim to love me. Claim to "love" but will not give. Will simply use the word, an imagined connection, but not follow up with action.

There are some that do not use the word love. But they are there. Family, friends. They can be there. But then there are those that claim the word, without understanding the meaning. Love is selflessness. To love is to give.

I don't get how you can love and not give.

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