Saturday 12 July 2008

Be the Star

It isnt easy to find a star in any society, but then it is up to us, the individual, to strive to be that star, to rise up, and encourage others, and it is that human quality, that star quality, that others will be instinctually attracted to, and emulate.
You and I must become aware, and spread that awareness through good living, good action, good thinking, good deeds, and it will spread by God's will on its own.
I know how it can be disillusioning sometimes when you are faced with the malicious people, the people that you cannot understand. But know that even they are a product of their environment at some level, and dont hate them for it, but show love in order for them to understand that ignorance is not the way, because I believe, it takes a lot of effort to be ignorant. It takes a lot of effort to close your eyes to reality, to the benefits of positivitiy, reason, order and love. And if we live that love, we STRIVE to improve ourselves all the time, not others, but ourself, to remove hatred, anger, maliciousness and ignorance from our hearts and mind, and become more self aware of our actions, and our drain, and how we can and do hurt others. 1) it will take up most of our time, we wont have time to hate others, and 2) we improve. We make the personal Jihad against the Nafs. We cleanse our soul. And a pure heart is an attractive heart, that will have its followers.

1 comment:

A Global Citizen said...

It is the responsibility of us all to be the change we want to see in the world.

Interesting blog. Keep it up!